
Best Available Techniques Reference (BREF) document for the textile industry of Gujarat
Best Available Techniques Reference (BREF) document for the textile industry of Gujarat
White paper

The "Best Available Techniques Reference (BREF) document primarily aims to promote environmental protection, resource efficiency, and sustainable production…

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Urban October | Perceptions and Systems of Urban Waste

This webinar took place as part of the GIZ Urban October. 

Perceptions and systems of urban waste and its prevention through circular approaches were addressed on different levels -…

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On the way to circular economy - Jordanian government delegation explores the EPR system in Germany

On its ambitious path to a circular economy, the Jordanian government has introduced an Extended Producer Responsibility system for packaging waste in 2022 with technical support from GIZ on…

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Poster zur deutsch-indischen Kooperation zur Entwicklung von Umweltstandards in der Textilindustrie

Hier finden Sie das Poster über die deutsch-indische Kooperation bei der Entwicklung von Umweltstandards in der Textilindustrie.

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World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) 2023 Side Event: Circular Economy in the Mediterranean Region

The Mediterranean region faces significant environmental, economic, and social challenges including resource dependence, climate change, resource depletion, and pollution. Despite not being a high…

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Encouraging the transition to a Circular ICT sector in Malaysia

This study aims to develop recommendations for improving the circularity of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) value chain in Malaysia, as an example of how an emerging economy with a…

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Shifting circular: Urban infrastructure and policy changes towards renewed territorial metabolisms

In this research, the author describes, characterises and compares policy and planning initiatives to promote the circular transition from the experience of key stakeholders operating in these…

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Cover page
Assessment Report - The Circular Economy Ecosystem in the MENA Region

This assessment report examines the current CE ecosystem and legal frameworks in seven MENA countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Palestinian Territories) and provides…

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Draft Policy Recommendation: Single Use Plastic Restriction on Food and Beverage Delivery Service in DKI Jakarta Provincial Government
Textbook / Coursebook

The use of plastic food and beverage containers, especially in DKI Jakarta Province, has experienced a significant increase in consumption level in line with the increase in the…

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Public Consultation Report: Restricting the Use of Single-Use Plastics in Food and Beverage Delivery Services in DKI Jakarta Province
Textbook / Coursebook

The problem of single-use plastic waste is that it is still causing serious environmental damage. Micro plastic and even nano-sized plastic particles have been found…

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