This global project of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) supports the "Export Initiative Environmental Protection" on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) in its efforts to introduce and apply innovative, integrated environmental and climate change mitigation technologies. With this GreenTechKnowledgeHub, we provide an inspiring global space for practitioners, policy makers, entrepreneurs, environmentalists and interested people to exchange experiences, good practices, learnings, and innovative approaches. We bring together the experience and knowledge of our global partners to build Communities of Practice for the deployment of sustainable infrastructure and technologies for greener economies and better lives. Let's create exchange networks!

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Communities of Practice

CoP EPR for Packaging

EPR for Packaging

Extended producer responsibility (EPR) is an environmentally oriented approach based on the polluter pays principle.…

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CoP Single-Use Plastic Prevention

Single-Use Plastic Prevention

The widespread use of single-use plastic (SUP) contributes significantly to pollution on land and in waters and seas.…

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CoP Organic Waste Management

Organic Waste Management

A large proportion of household waste around the world is organic waste. Properly treated, it can become valuable…

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CoP Clean Air

Clean Air

Air pollution is increasingly becoming a serious threat to human health and the environment. To improve air quality,…

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CoP General


Global environmental and climate protection can only succeed if the legal, political and administrative framework…

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Latest Publications


Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The second SDG report highlights the tangible contributions made by GIZ since the inception of the first global project under the Export Initiative Environmental Protection in 2019, commissioned by…

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Circular Economy Solutions Dialogues (CESD) on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): Final Report

The Circular Economy Solutions Dialogues (CESD) on “Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)” explored the global evolution of EPR concepts and practices.The CESD were designed as a four-month multi-…

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Video ·

Ukraine: Introducing a separate waste collection system in the Poltava region

As a partner of the "Export Initiative Environmental Protection" (EXI), GIZ is implementing the global project "Environmental Protection Worldwide" on behalf of BMUV. The aim in Ukraine is to…

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India: Reducing Urban Air Pollution

Factsheet ·

India: Reducing Urban Air Pollution

The factsheet gives you an overview about the project activities of GIZ in India. The aim is to develop the necessary personnel and institutional capacities for the effective implementation of the "…

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Collaborative Action for Single-Use Plastic Prevention in Southeast Asia

Factsheet ·

Thailand, Malaysia: Collaborative Action for Single-Use Plastic Prevention in Southeast Asia

The factsheet gives you an overview about the project activities of GIZ in Thailand and Malaysia. The aim is to improve the enabling conditions to reduce single-use plastics and packaging waste in…

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Building partnerships for a sustainable environmental solutions Made in Germany

Factsheet ·

Building partnerships for a sustainable environmental solutions Made in Germany

The factsheet gives you an overview about the project activities of GIZ in Ukraine, Jordan, India, Thailand and Malaysia. Project measures focus on building up technical and institutional know-…

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