Displaying 28 - 36 of 60 publications
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Collect, sort, recycle - A sustainable waste management system for Jordan
Jordan has experienced intensive economic development and steady population growth in recent decades. Among other things, this has led to an increase in packaging waste and related environmental…
Guidance Document_Brick Kilns in India
Air pollution is one of the major environmental issues in India. To address the air pollution problem in India, the Government of India through its Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate…
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Pilot Measures to Implement an EPR System in Egypt
The global project “Support of the Export Initiative Environmental Protection” implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection (BMUV),…
E-Book ·
DKI Jakarta City' s Reusable Packaging Monitoring-Evaluation Research Study on Food Delivery
The global project Export Initiative Environmental Protection, funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV),…
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Ukraine: A Regional Waste Management Strategy for Poltava Region
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU), GIZ supports the municipalities in the Ukrainian region Poltava to develop a regional waste management strategy. The project is…
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Thailand: Reducing Single Use-Plastics – One Step at a Time
The GIZ global project “Support of the Export Initiative Environmental Protection” contributes to solving key environmental problems on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment…
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Reduce and Reuse – How Malaysia wants to overcome Single-use Plastics
The GIZ global project “Support of the Export Initiative Environmental Protection” contributes to solving key environmental problems on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment…
E-Book ·
Preliminary Study of Reusable Packaging Risks in Ready-to-Eat Food
Single-use packaging has provided convenience for its users but also presents various problems such as environmental problems, social problems, and then also economic problems. Replacing single-…
Factsheet ·
What do they think about the Reuse Ecosystem
How can the reuse ecosystem in Jakarta be improved? In a survey, ten percent of the users of the start-up Allas share their views. The “Collaboration Action for Single Use Plastic Prevention in…