What do they think about the Reuse Ecosystem

How can the reuse ecosystem in Jakarta be improved? In a survey, ten percent of the users of the start-up Allas share their views. The “Collaboration Action for Single Use Plastic Prevention in the Southeast Asia (CAP SEA)” project has completed this baseline survey to obtain opinion of customers of food delivery on reuse ecosystem. Find out their opinion in the factsheet.
The baseline survey was carried out by Gerakan Indonesia Diet Kantong Plastik (GIDKP) and supported by GIZ and Allas by Enviu with ambition to reduce plastic pollution and to develop the market for reusable packaging for food delivery in Indonesia, starting in DKI Jakarta City.
CAP SEA is a module of GIZ’s global project to support the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)’s Export Initiative Environmental Protection.
- English
- Bahasa
How can the reuse ecosystem in Jakarta be improved? In a survey, ten percent of the users of the start-up Allas share their views. The “Collaboration Action for Single Use Plastic Prevention in the Southeast Asia (CAP SEA)” project has completed this baseline survey to obtain opinion of customers of food delivery on reuse ecosystem. Find out their opinion in the factsheet.
The baseline survey was carried out by Gerakan Indonesia Diet Kantong Plastik (GIDKP) and supported by GIZ and Allas by Enviu with ambition to reduce plastic pollution and to develop the market for reusable packaging for food delivery in Indonesia, starting in DKI Jakarta City.
CAP SEA is a module of GIZ’s global project to support the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)’s Export Initiative Environmental Protection.