Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The second SDG report highlights the contributions made by GIZ since the inception of the first global project under the “Export Initiative Environmental Protection” (EXI) in 2019, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection. GIZ remains committed to assisting partner countries in implementing environmental protection measures and adopting green technologies.
The GIZ project works in Egypt, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Jordan, Thailand and Ukraine.
This report used the baseline information collected in 2021 (link to 1st SDG report) and the SDG-related targets set at that point in time. In this report, the progress toward each module´s contribution to specific sustainable development goals (SDG) targets was assessed. Specifically, GIZ has been contributing to the goals related to clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), climate action (SDG 13), and partnership for the goals (SDG 17).
Throughout this reporting period, two significant events profoundly affected project implementation: the global COVID pandemic and the Russian aggression in Ukraine, which restricted the physical implementation of project activities. Additionally, navigating the dynamic political landscape and shifting priorities posed further challenges.
Despite these restrictions, the project teams have adeptly addressed challenges and have derived valuable lessons to effectively manage key implementation issues.
These consistent efforts have yielded positive outcomes in partner countries. The active engagement and support of our partners empowers GIZ, as partner of the EXI, to actively contribute to fostering circular and sustainable economies.