Measuring the contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The project measures of the global GIZ project are implemented in collaboration with bilateral projects of German technical cooperation in seven countries (Egypt, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Jordan, Thailand and Ukraine) but also in global modules. The projects are better embedded in the strategies of the target countries and should
contribute to solving key environmental problems such as plastic pollution, poor waste management, air and water pollution. The supported measures build up technical and institutional know-how and foster knowledge and technology transfer, raise environmental awareness, and build capacities, thereby contributing to the transition to more circular economies and the achievement of specific sustainable development goals (SDGs).
- 2021 GIZ_SDG-Report_EN (001)_barrierefrei.pdf (509.17 KB)
The project measures of the global GIZ project are implemented in collaboration with bilateral projects of German technical cooperation in seven countries (Egypt, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Jordan, Thailand and Ukraine) but also in global modules. The projects are better embedded in the strategies of the target countries and should
contribute to solving key environmental problems such as plastic pollution, poor waste management, air and water pollution. The supported measures build up technical and institutional know-how and foster knowledge and technology transfer, raise environmental awareness, and build capacities, thereby contributing to the transition to more circular economies and the achievement of specific sustainable development goals (SDGs).