Analysis of Markets and Technologies for Plastic Material Circularity in the Packaging Sector in Thailand

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Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) provides the secretariat for the project CAP-SEA, which stands for “Collaborative Actions on Single-Use Plastic Prevention in Southeast Asia”. The project is financed by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and implemented by GIZ. CAP-SEA key objective is to reduce single-use plastic (SUP) by introducing innovative business models and by developing stakeholders’ capacities, explicitly on upstream measures, not downstream waste management. In Thailand CAP-SEA contributes to the Thai Government’s priority of the Bio, Circular and Green (BCG) economy model implementation for sustainable development.

Moreover, CAP-SEA is aligned with the Government’s Road Map on Plastic Waste Management (2018-2030) and respective Action Plan phase I, II. The Road Map aims at phasing-out SUP products such as plastic cups and foam containers. CAP-SEA supports local governments and corporates to achieve these objectives. It supports SMEs and start-ups to provide alternative and environmentally friendlier solutions, and business models that encourage plastic recycling or reuse.

Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) provides the secretariat for the project CAP-SEA, which stands for “Collaborative Actions on Single-Use Plastic Prevention in Southeast Asia”. The project is financed by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and implemented by GIZ. CAP-SEA key objective is to reduce single-use plastic (SUP) by introducing innovative business models and by developing stakeholders’ capacities, explicitly on upstream measures, not downstream waste management. In Thailand CAP-SEA contributes to the Thai Government’s priority of the Bio, Circular and Green (BCG) economy model implementation for sustainable development.

Moreover, CAP-SEA is aligned with the Government’s Road Map on Plastic Waste Management (2018-2030) and respective Action Plan phase I, II. The Road Map aims at phasing-out SUP products such as plastic cups and foam containers. CAP-SEA supports local governments and corporates to achieve these objectives. It supports SMEs and start-ups to provide alternative and environmentally friendlier solutions, and business models that encourage plastic recycling or reuse.

Type of publication
White paper
Manit Nithitanakul
Jitima Preechawong
Jirasuta Chungprempree
Preventing Single used Plastic