Webinar: Ecomodulation of fees for EPR systems
Wed, Nov 29 2023
Europe/Berlin: 10:00 - 11:30am
This webinar on Ecomodulation of fees for EPR systems will cover the following questions:
- How does the ecomodulation of fees work? What are examples of best practices?
- What are the limitations of this framework?
- How could it be improved in the next years?
Antje Kauffmann and Norbert Völl from Der Grüner Punkt GmbH: Der Grüne Punkt was founded in 1990 as the first dual system. Today Der Grüne Punkt is a leading provider of take-back systems. The Green Dot ("Der Grüne Punkt") is worldwide protected and one of the most widely used trademarks. In many countries it is used as a financing symbol for packaging recycling. Der Grüne Punkt is a founding member of the European Grüner Punkt umbrella organization PRO Europe.