Webinar: Ecomodulation of fees for EPR systems

Wed, Nov 29 2023
Europe/Berlin: 10:00 - 11:30am


This webinar on Ecomodulation of fees for EPR systems will cover the following questions:

  1. How does the ecomodulation of fees work? What are examples of best practices?
  2. What are the limitations of this framework?
  3. How could it be improved in the next years?



Antje Kauffmann and Norbert Völl from Der Grüner Punkt GmbH: Der Grüne Punkt was founded in 1990 as the first dual system. Today Der Grüne Punkt is a leading provider of take-back systems. The Green Dot ("Der Grüne Punkt") is worldwide protected and one of the most widely used trademarks. In many countries it is used as a financing symbol for packaging recycling. Der Grüne Punkt is a founding member of the European Grüner Punkt umbrella organization PRO Europe.