WCEF2023 Side Event: The Mediterranean Way[s]

Overcoming barriers for a circular transition

Wed, May 31 2023
Europe/Helsinki: 10:00 - 10:45am

WCEF Side Event

The Mediterranean is a diverse region but is facing several environmental, economic and social challenges, such as resource dependence, climate change, resource depletion, and pollution, which are impacting the region's ecosystems and natural resources, economic stability and social well-being.

Yet, the topic of circular economy has not been the highest priority in the region. However, adopting a circular economy model can help address some of the challenges and have significant positive impacts for the region. When it comes to the topic of circular economy the Mediterranean is a rich patchwork of challenges, approaches, answers, solutions.

The session will have a closer look at the region and discuss common and individual challenges, developments and priority action areas for a circular economy transition. It will give a state of the art of the current CE ecosystem and legal frameworks in the MENA region (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon & Palestinian Territories) and provide recommendations for the creation of specific and well targeted programs in the region to help accelerate a circular growth. It will also introduce takeaways from a survey designed and realized within the 2022 Circle the Med Forum that was held in Athens, Greece, which takes place annually and aims to put the Mediterranean region with its individualities and commonalities into focus, by building bridges between the shores, through creating networks, showcasing good practices and creating room for exchange. Moreover, business representatives and political partners will present implementation cases from Jordan (implementing an EPR system) and Tunisia (tbc).

This session will show a recording of a 5-person panel discussion. After the discussion participants can exchange online.

Viewers will gain:

  • A better understanding of the regions challenges and legal situation when it comes to circular economy
  • An idea of what barriers exist and possibilities to overcome them
  • Real life implementation examples from Jordan and Tunisia as well as business realities
  • Inspiration to connect with fellows and drive change in the Mediterranean


  • GIZ Jordan (tbc)
  • Tania Ayoub - Beyond Group, Lebanon 
  • Konstantinos Karampourniotis – Living Prospects, Greece
  • Wassim Chaabane - Landbell Group, Tunisia
  • GIZ Tunisia – (tbc)

This event is a WCEF2023 Side Event (www.WCEF2023.com).


10.00 - 10:45 (EEST)
The Mediterranean Way[s] - Overcoming barriers for a circular transition (stream) 

  • Tania Ayoub - Beyond Group, Lebanon: Circular Economy ecosystems in the MENA region 
  • GIZ Jordan (tbc) - insights from Jordan's current approaches 
  • Konstantinos Karampourniotis – Living Prospects, Greece (Insights from a survey in the context of Circle the Med) 
  • Wassim Chaabane - Landbell Group: Tunisia - On national CE strategy building 
  • GIZ Tunisia – (tbc) -  insights from Tunisia's current approaches
  • Exchange among the participants
  • Roundup