Steering the process - Policymakers' scope for action to promote a single-use plastic-free environment

Thu, Jul 1 2021
Asia/Bangkok: 2:00 - 4:00pm
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur: 3:00 - 5:00pm
Europe/Berlin: 9:00 - 11:00am

Reusable cutlery in a cloth packaging

Existing production and consumption patterns worldwide are mainly based on a linear commodity economy. Especially Single-Use Plastic ends up as waste after a short and single use - with disastrous consequences for marine and terrestrial ecosystems. To change this, we need solutions that prevent single-use plastic from entering the market in the first place. But how to prevent SUP when it comes to Food Delivery and Takeaway? What are existing good practices, and how can they be scaled? In two workshops, start-ups and companies from Southeast Asia and Germany present their existing business models for reusable systems. Together with legislators and policymakers, the political, legal, and social framework conditions that promote such reusable systems are discussed. The meetings aim to initiate a long-term, goal-oriented exchange between policymakers and companies opting for reusable systems.

This is the second workshop in which representatives from local and national governments as well as the EU Commission will present planned or already underway instruments to avoid single-use plastic in restaurants and delivery services.In our first workshop (on 22 June 2021), companies and start-ups from Southeast Asia and Germany present their business models for reusable systems for meal delivery and takeaway.  (If you are interested in attending, please let us know, and we will be delighted to send you the invitation).

Both events are organised by the global project “Export Initiative for Green Technologies” implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment. The CAP SEA (Collaborative Action to reduce single-use plastic in Southeast Asia) initiative as a module within the project aims to reduce plastic waste and promote concepts and strategies for reuse systems in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. 

English-Thai simultaneous translation will be available.


5 min

Welcome GIZ: Objective of the event and welcome to participants 

Markus Lücke GIZ, Moderator Christoffer Brick

5 min

Welcome from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment

Charlotte Dieter, BMU

20 min

Experiences from Thailand

Dr. Wijarn Simachaya, President Thailand Environment Institute

20 min

International and European policies targeting single use plastics

Dr. Maarten Dubois, Project Lead Circular Economy and Plastics
Directorate ENV, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

20 min

Steering instruments at national level to shift towards reusable packaging

Elena Schägg, Project Manager Circular Economy, Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe)

20 min

A city introduces a tax on single use packaging

Tobias Staufenberg, Environmental and Climate Protection Unit, University City of Tübingen

30 min

Moderated discussion along guiding questions - Moderator 

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