Introduction of an EPR system - What can companies contribute?

A knowledge exchange between Jordan, Egypt, and Malaysia

Tue, Mar 23 2021
Europe/Berlin: 9:00 - 11:00am

Hands holding packaging material

An Extended Producer Responsibility-System (EPR-System) allows manufacturers and importers of packed products to return their packaging to a recycling loop. It provides them with the opportunity to take responsibility for the packaging materials they put on the market and to make a significant contribution to environmental protection.

In Jordan, Egypt and Malaysia, the legal basis for introducing an EPR system is currently being created. Our webinar will present - and discuss - the frame conditions, challenges, and lessons learned so far in these three countries. Companies and consultants will share their experiences in introducing an EPR system:

  • What are the challenges for companies?
  • How can they constructively shape the process and assume their share of responsibility for a clean environment?
  • What lessons learned and best practice can already be derived from this process? 
  • Can experts and companies in these countries work together as a peer-to-peer group to advise each other and make use of synergy effects?



10 minutes

Welcome to the participants and objectives of the event

Markus Lücke (GIZ Project Leader) Dr. Edith Kürzinger (Moderater)

30 minutes (including 10 minutes of discussion)

Jordan: The challenges of implementing an EPR system

The challenges of setting the right framework conditions (Status quo PRO and legislation)

Agnes Bünemann (cyclos GmbH, Managing Director)

Gabriele Janikowski (GIZ Project Leader)

30 minutes (including 10 minutes of discussion)

Malaysia: Journey of MAREA’s formation in Malaysia

Juan Aranols (Chairman MAREA, CEO of Nestle Malaysia)

Nestle Kerbside collection experience – A voluntary EPR project

Michelle Woon (Nestlé Malaysia & Singapore, Corporate Affairs Manager - Sustainability Lead)

30 minutes (including 10 minutes of discussion)

Egypt: Status Quo and Experiences of in the private sector in Egypt

Shereen Shaheen (Coca-Cola)

Amr Sakr (Bariq)

20 minutes

Moderated discussion along guiding questions - Moderator

  • Does it help you to learn how the process of establishing an EPR system works? If so, what is your takeaway?
  • Do you think companies from different countries can learn from each other in a peer-to-peer-group setting?
  • How can we take this exchange forward? Do you have ideas for next steps or formats?
 Closure and Goodbye - Moderator

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