Conference & Workshop | Circular Resources for our Common Future: Cities as Drivers
A G20 | U20 India side event in New Delhi, India
The concept of Circular Economy (CE) is not novel but gained increased traction at the global stage and regionally, as cascading disruptions occurred in critical supply chains (food, energy, electronic components…) after the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. These events triggered a shift, especially in cities that were forced to adapt rapidly to a new reality.
However, while the initial transformation in cities was triggered by the pandemic, local action has since been sustained because of the co-benefits of a more localized economy and supply chain including:
- autonomy from global constraints and lower risk of supply chain disruption,
- public support for a sustainable alternative to carbon-intensive growth/supply chain models,
- increase in local employment and business opportunities, and
- improvement in socio-economic conditions linked to small business growth
Local governments are, however, finding it difficult to take their actions to scale, with a critical issue being a disconnect between global and national responses to the issues raised around circularity, and sustainability of critical supply chains at the height of pandemic-related disruptions.
In the past 18 months, INTERSECTING, the foresight publication series of the Global Solutions Initiative (GSI) explored possible solutions to this global/local disconnect, particularly around the topic of plastics, global value chains, and urban metabolism. The results of these publications provide ways to address the complexity of circular economy at scale.
Building on the ‘Intersecting’ rationale and the work of CEEW, GIZ, GSI, NIUA and UNEP with a focus on environmental protection and resource efficiency within cities and urban areas as drivers and implementers of circular economy, the event will bring together stakeholders from local governments, city commissioners, businesses, think tanks and international organizations to answer the following questions:
- What are global demands (G20 | U20)?
- What is happening locally?
- How is circular economy in cities understood and implemented?
- Who are the actors?
- What policies are there?
- What are practical examples?
- What works and what does not?
- What barriers are there, and what is needed to overcome them?
- What is needed to connect global demands and local action?
The event will focus on three pillars: Understanding, Envisioning and Implementing and use interactive peer-learning formats. In this conference, we aim to create a collaborative learning space where city officials get answers to their questions and solutions to their challenges, guided by experts and supported by peers.
The focus sectors are:
- Transport & mobility
- Governance & habitats
Throughout the conference, participants will have ample opportunity to:
- Have conversations with others who speak the same language
- Ask your burning questions
- Get open and honest feedback on your approach
- Share your own experiences and stories
- Foster new relationships
Participants will leave with:
- a better understanding of global policy discussions and local action for a circular economy transition,
- new, practical insights and an upgraded toolbox, to implement right away,
- a vision for applied future action,
- a network of cities and city-stakeholders driving the transition at a city level.
The event will cross the lines between stakeholder groups that feed into the G20 process such as the Urban20, Think 20/Think 7, as well as major initiatives within the G20 India Presidency.
Relevance to the G20 process:
There is a strong environment focus in the G20 India Presidency, with its theme being “One Earth, One Family, One Future”. Within this overall framework, an initial mapping of the G20 India priorities (CEEW, ICRIER, Nov. 2022) pointed to the ‘’circular economy’’ as a major cross-cutting or “intersecting” issue. Circularity, within the framework of Resource Efficiency, will therefore be part of the main dialogues organized by the G20 India Presidency. Similarly, global commitments and initiatives are echoing calls for transformation of the global economy.
In parallel, under the chairmanship of Jakarta in the Urban 20 (U20), cities have called upon the G20 Leaders to respond to the issues of economic and social recovery for all, ensuring that post-pandemic global recovery is inclusive and equitable, while supporting decent livelihoods for all. This U20 agenda is moving forward under the G20 Indian Presidency under the lead of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India National Institute for Urban Affairs (NIUA). NIUA is the lead knowledge partner of the U20 stakeholder process.
The event is co-organized by CEEW (the Council on Energy, Environment and Water), GIZ GmbH (Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit), GSI (Global Solutions Initiative), NIUA (the National Institute of Urban Affairs) and UNEP (the United Nations Environment Program).
Day 0 | Tuesday, 28 February 2023 City Mixer City officials connect with each other in thematic teams followed by dinner. |
1730 |
Arrival |
1800 – 1930 |
City Mixer Themes
1930 |
Dinner |
Conference Day 1 | Wednesday, 1 March 2023 |
0900 |
Registration and networking tea/coffee |
1000 – 1100 |
Inaugural plenary and lighting the lamp |
1000 – 1005 |
Welcome address by Mr Hitesh Vaidya, Director, NIUA |
1005 – 1010 |
Context setting: Circular Resources in India Cities by Ms Himani Jain, Sr Programme Lead, CEEW |
1010 – 1045 |
International perspectives: Cities as drivers of Circular Resources: Panel discussion
1045 – 1100 |
Keynote by Chief Guest Mr G Asok Kumar, Director General, NMCG |
1100 – 1300 |
Technical Sessions: City-led roundtables on integrating circular economy in resource management and governance in cities. |
1100 – 1115 |
Goalsetting |
1115 – 1215 |
Parallel thematic roundtables Three parallel thematic roundtables. Each theme will have Indian Cities present their cases for a maximum of 7 minutes each followed by 3 minutes Q&A. Speakers share success stories. Themes
Moderated by Ms Shuva Raha, CEEW
Moderated by Ms Paramita Dey, NIUA
Moderated by Ms Zeenat Niazi, Development Alternatives Moderated roundtable discussion with experts from other Cities (Indian and international), U20 delegates, industry, think tanks, and academia |
1215 - 1300 |
Parallel fishbowl discussions Three parallel, moderated fishbowl discussions with experts from other cities (Indian and international), U20 delegates, industry, think tanks, and academia. The cities will be assigned themes based on good practices. Themes
Moderated by Ms Shuva Raha, CEEW
Moderated by Ms Paramita Dey, NIUA and Ms Vaishali Nandan, GIZ
Moderated by Ms Zeenat Niazi, Development Alternatives |
1215 - 1300 |
Parallel Remote Session (virtual inputs)
1300 – 1400 |
Lunch, followed by Walk & Talk |
1400 – 1600 |
Peer Circles: Experience sharing on defining, implementing and scaling-up circular economies in cities. |
1400 - 1500 |
Peer Circles I: Gathering inspiration in an “unconference-style” with businesses, city representatives, international institutions and think tanks. Trade Fair booth style. Each speaker gets to set up their own corner and a small circle of chairs to engage with listeners. Each speaker gets a whiteboard or brown paper on the wall.
Kabadiwala Connect, Saahas, Community Design Agency, Phool, Kanpur Municipal Corporation
Circular Economy concepts adopted by Hume City Council, Australia, Mr George Osborne, Manager Economic Development, City of Hume
Surat, Pune, Kochi, Port Blair, Kanpur, Pune, Nagpur Mr Nitin Bassi, Programme Lead, CEEW
EU perspectives, Mr Alexander Charalambous, Living Prospects, Belgium and Greece; Urban infrastructure and policy changes towards renewed territorial metabolism - Mr Holger Kuhle, GIZ; Finance and Implementation, Ms Shruti Narayan, C40 |
1500 - 1600 |
Peer Circles II: Thematic experience sharing. Themes
1600 – 1630 |
Tea break |
1630 – 1800 |
Octi-Tank Deep Dive: Innovators pitch their ideas/solutions. |
1630 – 1730 |
Octi-Tank Innovator pitch presentations
1730 – 1800 |
Deep Dive: In conversation with Guest of Honour Mr. Rajiv Mishra, Chief Technical Advisor, NIUA and Former Director General, NMCG |
1800 |
End of Day 1 |
Conference Day 2 | Thursday, 2 March 2023 |
0930 |
Networking tea/coffee |
1000 – 1100 |
Learning Lab: Tools to enable city officials understand, define and implement circular approaches.
1100 - 1200 |
Tool Deep Dives |
1200 – 1230 |
Reflections and learnings |
1230 – 1315 |
Valedictory: Closing session and way forward |
1230 – 1240 |
Conference summary by Ms Paramita Dey, Head (Resources and Waste) NIUA |
1240 - 1320 |
Fireside chat with
Moderated by Mr Nicolas Buchoud, Fellow of the Global Solutions Initiative and Special Advisor to the U20 |
1320 - 1400 |
Lunch and end of conference |
1400 - 1425 |
Distribution of Certificates by dignitaries |
1425 - 1430 |
The way forward by Mr Hitesh Vaidya, Director, NIUA |
1430 – 1435 |
Vote of thanks by Ms Shuva Raha, Head – New Initiatives, CEEW |
1440 |
End of conference |