Making the Job of the PRO easier: Alliances, coalitions and an open-source EPR Registration Tool
In the final session of our webinar series “PROs around the globe” Emmanuelle Bautista (Citeo) will present the Producer Responsibility Coalition. Our second speaker, Joachim Quoden, will speak for the EXTENDED PRODUCER RESPONSIBILITY ALLIANCE (EXPRA) and Dorothee Bürkle will introduce an open-source EPR registration tool.
The Producer Responsibility Coalition is an alliance of fifty Producer Responsibility Organisations from all continents, created in the context of the negotiations for an international Treaty on plastic pollution. The aim of the coalition is to advocate common positions on EPR and technical recommendations for its inclusion into the future binding text of the Treaty, as well as for its understanding by international organisations. The Coalition will be presented by Emmanuelle Bautista, Director for European and international affairs at Citeo, the French PRO for packaging and graphic paper.
EXPRA (EXTENDED PRODUCER RESPONSIBILITY ALLIANCE) is home of 34 packaging and packaging waste recovery and recycling organisations from 31 countries. The alliance and its members work alongside all relevant stakeholders to provide practical solutions for ensuring packaging circularity.
For an EPR project in Jordan, GIZ developed a digital EPR registration tool that covers the processing of the registration of companies, declarations on the quantities placed on the market and fee invoices. The open-source tool can be adopted and further developed by other PROs free of charge.
Between October 30 and December 11, 2024, the Global Action Partnership for Extended Producer Responsibility (GAP for EPR) and the GreenTechKnowledge Hub of the Export Initiative for Environmental Protection are hosting six sessions of our webinar series “PROs around the Globe”! Each session features a different organisation, presenting their structures, challenges, and Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) set-up.
Producer Responsibility Organizations are the system operator of an EPR system. This makes them the “spider in the web” and one of the most important actors in its implementation. This series will discuss the responsibilities of PROs as well as their structure, set-up, and processes in their country-specific context.
🌱This webinar series "PROs Around the Globe" is organized by the GAP for EPR and the GreenTechKnowledgeHub of the Export Initiative for Environmental Protection. We are excited to host a total of six insightful webinars featuring different organisations sharing their best practices, challenges and PRO facilities.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this webinar do not reflect the positions of the core partners of GAP for EPR, nor of PREVENT Waste Alliance members or official policy positions of the international organisations and governments involved.